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Carsten Bagge Laustsen [9]Carsten B. Laustsen [1]
  1.  63
    Becoming Abject: Rape as a Weapon of War.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (1):111-128.
    Organized rape has been an integral aspect of warfare for a long time even though classics on warfare have predominantly focused on theorizing ‘regular’ warfare, that is, the situations in which one army encounters another in a battle to conquer or defend a territory. Recently, however, much attention has been paid to asymmetric warfare and, accordingly, to phenomena such as guerrilla tactics, terrorism, hostage taking and a range of identity-related aspects of war such as religious fundamentalism, holy war, ethnic cleansing (...)
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    Terror as potentiality – the affective rhythms of the political.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (4):412-426.
    ABSTRACTThe paper addresses the ways in which the cultural, the affective and the political intersect, counter and/or feed upon one another in the context of contemporary terror. Initially, buildin...
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  3. Eichmann's Kant.Carsten Bagge Laustsen & Rasmus Ugilt - 2007 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 21 (3):166-180.
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    Enjoy Your Fight! - Fight Club as a Symptom of the Network Society.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (4):349-367.
    Focusing on the film Fight Club, the article deals with how microfascism persists in the network society in spite of its public denial. Considering microfascism as a line of flight with respect to the social bond, it asks what happens to the project of subversion when power itself goes nomadic and when the idea of transgression is solicited by the new “spirit of capitalism”. It is argued that every social order has an obscene supplement that serves as the positive condition (...)
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    Politiske (styre)former – Jacques Lacans fire diskurser som inngang til institusjonaliseringen av det politiske.Henrik Jøker Bjerre & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2012 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 30 (2-3):34-73.
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    Arendt’s Political Theology—From Political Religion to Profanation.Bulent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2019 - Arendt Studies 3:111-131.
    The article elaborates on Arendt’s take on the religious and the political and on how they interact and merge in modernity, especially in totalitarianism. We start with framing the three different understandings of religion in Arendt: first, a classic understanding of religion, which is foreign to the logic of the political; second, a secularized political religion; and third, a weak messianism. Both the classic understanding of religion and the political religion deny human freedom in Arendt’s sense. Her transcendent alternative to (...)
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    The collector’s world.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2020 - Journal for Cultural Research 24 (2):101-112.
    The article discusses the figure of the collector. We start with positioning the collector in relation to a lack, emphasizing that collecting is not about aesthetic beauty, pleasure or even perfect...
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  8. Postal economies of the Orient.Carsten Bagge Laustsen & Bülent Diken - 2001 - Millennium 30 (3):761-784.
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    Social theory: a textbook.Carsten B. Laustsen - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Lars Thorup Larsen & Mathias Wullum Nielsen.
    Preface -- What is sociology? -- Capitalism and alienation : Marx and Weber -- Recognition and anomie : Durkheim and Honneth -- Social interaction and marginalisation: Simmel and the Chicago School -- Power and stratification : Foucault and Bourdieu -- System and differentiation : Luhmann and Habermas -- State and market : Althusser and Boltanski & Chiapello -- Uncertainty and risk : Bauman and Beck -- The reflective self : Goffman and Giddens -- Family and work : Sennett and Hochschild (...)
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    Terrorstatens ideologikritikk.Carsten Bagge Laustsen & Bülent Diken - 2009 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 27 (1):223-254.
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